Well the wedding (March 20th) that we have been planning for almost 15 mos is over! It went off with only a minor hitch: the 4 yr old flower girl did not walk the aisle. We thought it would be the 2 yr old ring bearer who wouldn't walk, but in the end he did and she didn't. Oh well at least we have pictures. Then there was the snow Fri night:(Thank goodness the roads were clear by late Sat morning). We only missed a few out of town guests due to weather. All our girls were in the wedding as were all of the grandchildren. My parents flew in from Pa and my father performed the ceremony. It was all so beautiful. Bryan, the groom, said everything looked so nice, you couldn't tell that it was a budget wedding. My good friend Alison did the flowers and our music minister/home school academy leader spent many long hours working with us to make the church and reception hall shine. I got 220 table favors made with the help of my daughter, the bride and my husband. I am proud of my accomplishment of using My Digital Studio to make the weding slideshow. I did it all by myself!!!
We worked on decorating the church and reception hall Thur, Fri, and final touches Sat morning, then took things down Sat evening, Sun afternoon, and finally finished everything Mon afternoon. To top it all off, I went back to work Tues after being off for 12 weeks. I think I am finally recuperated.
The honeymooners spent a week in sunny Florida, Daytona Beach, and are home and back to work today. But they have no place to live except a bedroom in our home. We are praying that the closing on their home will happen soon.